Get The EXACT Facebook Ad Strategies I've Used To

Generate Thousands Of Leads!

My Formula For Building Winning Facebook Ads That Crush It...

#1: Know Your Audience

You have to know the pains and wants of your audience. What language do they use when talking about their pain?

#2: Offer Something Your Audience Wants

Offering a high-value lead magnet in exchange for contact info is the best way to build your list with Facebook ads.

#3: My Multi-Layer Interest Targeting Strategy

Using multiple layers of interest targeting is a powerful way to tell Facebook EXACTLY who to put your ad in front of.

#4: The Ad Creative

Having an ad image/video that captures attention is crucial to your ads success.

Get Access To All Of My Top Facebook Ad Strategies

This isn't one of those courses that just shows you how to setup a business page and ads manager and gives some broad general info you can look up on YouTube.

I'm literally giving you all of my secrets to creating very successful Facebook ad campaigns. Whether you're a marketing agency looking to generate more leads for clients, or you're a local business owner who wants to build their list of prospects and customers, this course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to make that happen.

I Walk You Through Step-By-Step How To Create My Exact Facebook Ad Strategies

Step-By-Step Video Training

Look over my shoulder as I take you into my Facebook Ads Manager and breakdown the strategy behind each campaign and how to create them.

Facebook Update Workarounds

Being able to create successful campaigns is one thing. Keeping up with Facebook's never-ending need to change things is another. So I also show you how to deal with Facebook's updates (iOS 14).

Proven Strategies

These aren't strategies I ripped off of someone on YouTube. I've tested and run every strategy I show you and have had great success with them.

Here Are The Exact Strategies You're Going To Learn...


Strategy #1: Facebook Lead Forms

You've probably heard of lead forms before. But I'm confident you haven't seen them used the way I'm going to show you how to use them. This is one my most powerful "list-building" strategies in my agency.

Strategy #2: Facebook Funnel Ads

90% of business owners get this type of strategy wrong. Most send people to their website hoping people will call them. Or they send people to a landing page, collect a name and email, and then that's it. We take full advantage of the power of a funnel when running Facebook ads.

Strategy #3: Facebook Messenger Ads

This is an awesome strategy for starting live conversations with your potential clients/customers. Can be used on both cold traffic, as well a powerful way to retarget your current list of prospects.

Strategy #4: Facebook Video Ads

Video is incredibly powerful and can be one of the best strategies you can implement in your business when done correctly. In the course, I show you some really cool resources for EASILY creating awesome Facebook videos that you can use in your ads.

Total Value: A Heck Of A Lot More Than $297!!!

Customer Questions & Answers

These are some common questions I get regarding the course

Do these strategies really work?

Absolutely. Every strategy I teach I've used and/or am currently using for myself, my clients, and other students. Visit my YouTube Channel (Leads For Locals) to see REAL campaign results. We frequently generate a high volume of leads for low costs using these exact strategies.

Will these strategies work for my industry?

I haven't seen an industry these strategies don't work for. Some industries naturally have higher lead costs than others. It just depends on competition and what you're offering. But I've used these strategies to successfully generate leads in dozens of different industries so I'm confident it will work for yours too.

How much should I be investing in ad spend?

I recommend no less than $20 per day per campaign for the best results. Anything less than that and you're not really giving Facebook enough to work with to get the best results.

Can I hire you to do my ads for me?

I can't guarantee we always have availability but you're more than welcome to book a call and we can at least discuss the details. Visit for more info.

How long does it take to learn these strategies?

That's up to you and your technical abilities. These campaigns are not necessarily hard to make. But if you've never created a Facebook ad before, you're obviously going to need to go through a bit of a learning curve. All I can say is that however long it takes you, it's definitely worth it because once you know how to generate leads for your business or your clients business, there is no limit to how much you can grow.

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